Rabu, 05 Juni 2019

Top iOS 11.3.1 – 11.4 Jailbreak Tweaks!

Today, as we eagerly await a new iOS 12 jailbreak, let’s look backwards. There are still a number of fantastic tweaks that function with the iOS 11.3.1 – 11.4 beta jailbreak. And more are coming on a regular basis! In today’s article, we’ll share some of the best iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak tweaks with you. Your iPhone or iPad is about to get more intriguing!

Before you continue, you’ll need to be jailbreaking. Unfortunately this means if you’re stuck on iOS 11.4.1 – iOS 12.1, you’re out of luck (for now). Check our jailbreak status page for more updates. If however you’re running iOS 11.4 beta – 11.3.1 or lower, you’re in luck! Follow one of the below tutorials for instructions on how to jailbreak.

Top Jailbreak iOS 11.3.1 Tweaks

 There are still a number of fantastic tweaks that function with the iOS  Top iOS 11.3.1 – 11.4 Jailbreak Tweaks!

1. DarkPhotos: Dark Mode for Photos.

2. Dark GMaps: Dark Mode for Google Maps.

3. IGOLED: Dark Mode for Instagram.

4. DarkSounds: Dark Mode for Music app.

5. MoonShine: Watch OS charging style.

6. Elfin: Music HUD.

7. Crystal: Swipe down on NC to clear Notifications.

8. MoreFrequentlyUsedEmoji: Add More frequently used emoji.

9. Switches: Give your switches an awesome new look!

10. TwitterTweak: Full Screen Scrolling in Twitter

11. Mytitlewidgetname: Name your widgets on widget page.

12. BatteryColor: Dynamic battery color (based on battery %).

13. NFCWriter X: Read write & copy NFC tags.

14. GPS Master: Spoof GPS location on various apps.

15. Clean Passcode XI: Remove unnecessary items from passcode page.

note: All tweaks can be found on BigBoss or PackiX repositories!

If you’re interested in MORE iOS 11.3.1 – 11.4 Cydia tweaks, here are all compatible Electra jailbreak tweaks (click or tap here). Enjoy and follow us on social media for more updates.