Jumat, 22 September 2017

The New iPad (iPad 3) not charging; fix

Several users report a problem with their iPad 3 not charging. Readers tell us three distinct problems with their iPad 3s (a) does not charge, (b) charges very slowly, and (c) does not charge fully when plugged into a power outlet. The iPad 3 model has some new impressive features that consume a lot of energy.

Several users report a problem with their iPad  The New iPad (iPad 3) not charging; fix


Apple increased the size of the battery compared to the batteries in the first and second generation iPads. Thus charging the new iPad 3 is slower than iPad 2. It may take 50-60 minutes for a 10% charge and may take up to 8 hours to fully charge.

For more in-depth information on iPad charging issues, take a peek at our comprehensive article.

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Several users report a problem with their iPad  The New iPad (iPad 3) not charging; fix

Quick Tips for iPad 3 not charging

  • Try a reset to see if your iPad charges after the iPad restarts

    • Press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider.)  Keep holding until the Apple logo appears.

      • You don’t lose any content. It’s the iPad equivalent of a reboot!

  • Try a different charger and/or cable. If anybody else in your family or a friend/co-worker has an iPad, ask if you can try their charger and cable and see if your iPad 3 charges up.

    • Or go to an Apple Store or Apple Retailer and ask them to use one of their iPad chargers

Several users report a problem with their iPad  The New iPad (iPad 3) not charging; fix

Battery Performance Tips

  • Toggle off auto-brightness and manually set your iPad’s brightness to about 40%  (Settings > Display & Brightness)

  • Turn off Push for email (Settings > Mail > Accounts > Fetch New Data > Push > Toggle OFF

  • Toggle off WiFi. If you know, you’re not going to be using WiFi, turning it off saves power

  • Turn off cellular data if it’s on your iPad model. If in an area with limited coverage, turning cellular data off prevents it from continuously trying to connect and thereby saves you power. Also, if you’re watching a movie, playing sports, or engaging in an activity, consider turning your iPad completely off or at least the cellular data.

    • Alternatively, switch to Airplane Mode when for times when you do not need to connect to cellular data

  • Turn off turn off Background App Refresh (Settings > General > Background App Refresh)

  • Turn off Notifications or limit apps that send notifications (Settings > Notifications > Tap each app > Toggle OFF Allow Notifications

For more battery performance tips, check out our article on 15 Tips to Speed Up Battery on iOS 10!