Minggu, 10 Maret 2019

Top 30 iOS 12.1.2 Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks for Unc0ver iOS 12

Best Jailbreak iOS 12 – 12.1.2 Cydia Tweaks Compatible with Unc0ver – Following the release of the Unc0ver iOS 12 Jailbreak (tutorial linked here), we’ve opted to share an initial list of iOS 12.1.2 compatible Cydia Tweaks in today’s article! The following is an extensive list of Cydia tweaks to get you started, all of which function on the iOS 12.1.2 Uncover Jailbreak. Don’t forget to bookmark BestTechInfo as your primary source for top Cydia tweaks, themes, and sources (we’ll post more similar content regularly).

Jailbreak iOS 12 First

ve opted to share an initial list of iOS  Top 30 iOS 12.1.2 Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks for Unc0ver iOS 12

Prior to installing any of today’s Cydia tweaks, it’s paramount that you jailbreak first. In order to jailbreak, simply visit our detailed tutorial here (click or tap).

Cydia Tweaks we’ve tested on iOS 12.1.2

ve opted to share an initial list of iOS  Top 30 iOS 12.1.2 Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks for Unc0ver iOS 12

1. Flame – Cydia extension to add sources quickly

2. SwipeForMore – Queue up multiple tweaks at once

3. Tweak Count – displays how many tweaks are installed

Homescreen Tweaks

4. Boxy 3 – Customize homescreen icon layout

5. AllowTouchesOnPageDots – Useful with Boxy

6. CleanHomeScreen – No icon labels and MORE!

7. SnowBoard – Custom Themes (Lotus)

8. Floaty Dock – iPad Dock on iPhone

9. DoubleTapLock – Double Tap to Lock Device

10. Noctis12 – Dark Mode for iOS 12 – 12.1.2

11. Cylinder – Adds icon swipe animations

Control Center Tweaks

12. BetterCCXI – Control Center Customization

13. Power Module – CC Power Module

14. Real CC – Manually Turn off WIFI / Bluetooth in CC

iPhone X Tweaks

15. BatteryPercentX – battery percentage in status bar on iPhone X

16. Barmoji – Emojis in iPhone X Bar

17. AutoUnlockX / FastUnlockX – Go to homescreen after Face I’d unlock

18. TapTime – Show date when tapping on time in status bar

19. HidebarX – hides bottom bar on X

Non-iPhone X Cydia Tweak

20. Fluidity / HomeGesture Lite – iPhone X Gestures on older devices

Other Types of Tweaks

21. Pull to respring – pull down in Settings app to respring

22. Short Look – Cool notifications

23. Send Delay – Delay sending texts

24. UltraSound – Better volume HUD

25. Cask – Cool list animations

26. SmartLPM – turns on low power mode while charging

27. XenHTML – Widgets on homescreen

28. Hs.Ryu_005 Fluid Widget – Colorful splash animations on home screen

29. Zepplin – Custom carrier logos

iOS 12 Beta Tweak

30. NoBetaAlert – Get Rid of that annoying beta pop up

Repositories (Sources) to get Started:

Once jailbroken, we recommend adding the following sources or repositories (aka repos) inside the “Sources” tab of Cydia. Just tap Sources > Edit > add and input the URLs listed below. Note that not all of the repos listed below are required to install the tweaks found in today’s article. Moreover not all of the tweaks found on the repos will support iOS 12, but they’re all good to have in the future. In other words, just copy and paste the repos below and have fun installing Cydia tweaks. Make sure however to only install tweaks that state they’ve been updated, or the ones listed on this page (as we’ve tested them personally).

1. https://peterprd.github.io/nightly/

2. http://rpetri.ch/repo/

3. http://cydiageek.yourepo.com/

4. http://mdaus.ch/repo/

5. https://repo.d4ni.nl/

6. https://fncxpro.github.io/

7. https://ryleyangus.com/repo/

8. http://cydia.ichitaso.com/

9. http://junesiphone.com/supersecret/

10. https://williammuff.github.io/repo/

11. https://ramenrepo.github.io/

12. http://beta.cpdigitaldarkroom.com/

13. https://cydia.angelxwind.net/

14. https://repo.packix.com/

15. http://cokepokes.github.io/

16. http://tateu.net/repo/

17. http://julioverne.github.io/

18. http://beta.unlimapps.com/

19. https://shade-zepheri.github.io/

20. https://leroy-b.github.io/home/repo/

21. http://c1d3r.com/repo/

22. https://repo.dynastic.co/

23. https://repo.midkin.net/

24. http://repo.nullpixel.uk/

25. https://repo.cpdigitaldarkroom.com/

26. http://limneos.net/repo/

27. http://getdelta.co/

28. http://dev4i.yourepo.com/

29. https://midnightchip.github.io/repo/

30. https://apt.alfhaily.me/

31. http://deb.danstaface.net/

32. http://julio.xarold.com/

33. https://mpg13.github.io/repo/

34. http://xenpublic.incendo.ws/

35. https://repo.lonestarx.net/

36. http://subdiox.com/cydia/

37. https://creaturesurvive.github.io/

38. http://beta.laughingquoll.net/repo/

39. http://beta.sparkservers.co.uk/