Sabtu, 07 Oktober 2017

How to remove “Other” data on iPhone / iPad / iPod

When you have your iPad, iPod or iPhone connected to iTunes, you might see that on the capacity section there is a portion of the store space marked as “Other.”. This “Other” storage always takes up at least 200mb of data. However, as you install more apps and use your device more often, the “Other” portion may grow up to a few GB.  We receive many inquiries from tons of users regarding how this “Other” data can be erased so they can free up valuable storage space on their devices.

The “Other” space is used to store operating system data, application data, emails, SMS / MMS messages, Contacts, Calendars, Notes, Wi-Fi network data, Safari cache and cookies, stored passwords, Safari Bookmarks etc. Other should be less than or around 1 GB. If it is higher, this may mean that your device has experienced data corruption OR this may mean that “Other” data will become mislabeled.

 you might see that on the capacity section there is a portion of the store space marked a How to remove “Other” data on iPhone / iPad / iPod

First assume that your “Other” data is mislabeled, to fix this:

  • Connect the iPad, iPod, or iPhone to a computer

  • Open iTunes

  • Hold the Power and Home button until your device reboots

  • Then verify if your other data is changed.

If this does not work, try this:

  • Connect the iPad, iPod, or iPhone to a computer

  • Open iTunes

  • Click on the “Summary” then “Options”

  • Uncheck “Open iTunes when this iPad (or iPhone) is connected”

  • The recheck “Open iTunes when this iPad (or iPhone) is connected”

If you are still having problems, you have probably corrupt data. You will need to erase your device entirely and then re-format it. A restore with iTunes cleans this up. To do this, back up your iPhone or iPad before restoring as NEW. Restore as New. After restoring as a new, check that the “Other” data is under 1GB. If it is then “Restore from Backup”.

3 Easy Tips To Consider:

Clear Browser Cache: You can delete this cache by going to Settings -> Safari and tapping the “Clear History” and “Clear Cookies and Data” button. This may also result in a speed boost on your device if you have never deleted your browser cache before.

Clear Your Mail Cache: You will need to delete your email account from the device and then add it back. To delete your mail account, go to Setting -> Mail, Contact, Calendars -> Tap on the Mail account you want to delete -> Scroll to the bottom and click the “Delete Account” button. To add your account back, go to Setting -> Mail, Contact, Calendars -> tap “Add Account

Clean your Reading Lists on Safari: If you have the habit of adding links to your reading lists and do not manage it regularly, you may want to. To remove items from the Reading List, open Safari on your iOS device -> tap the bookmarks button -> and then tap the Reading List button.

You can also explore other utilities such as PhoneClean to solve this issue. Chances are that you have a corrupt file somewhere in your system and the surest way to solve this is by restoring your device.

Please let us know what worked for you and feel free to share the post with other friends.

Updated: 04/18/2016