Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

Automatic Downloads and Downloading Previous Purchases

In my previous post, I wrote about the three new features in iTunes 10.3. The first two features, Automatic Downloads and Downloading Previous Purchases, are the two that I am going to show you how to use in this post.

Automatic Downloads

For those of you that need a refresher, this feature gives you the ability to download a song on one device and have it automatically download on another Apple device.

In order to access the automatic downloads feature in iTunes, click on the “iTunes” tab. Then, click on Preferences. You will then press on the Store tab. In the Store tab, you will see a section for Automatic Downloads. Here you can check off what you want to automatically download to all your devices. As you can see from the screenshot below, you can choose between music, apps, and books.

 I wrote about the three new features in iTunes  Automatic Downloads and Downloading Previous Purchases

After you do this, make sure you go to your iOS device and do the same thing. Hit Settings, then Store. In there you will be asked what you want to auto sync and whether or not if you want to do it over WIFI or 3G.

 I wrote about the three new features in iTunes  Automatic Downloads and Downloading Previous Purchases

Downloading Previous Purchases

With this feature you are able to download previously purchased apps and music onto your devices. For example, if I am on my iPhone and there is a song that I know I purchased a while back on iTunes on my Mac, I can go and download it onto my iPhone, without the hassle of having to do a wired sync to my Mac.

All I have to do is open iTunes on my iOS device. Then look for the “Purchased” tab on the bottom right. While in this tab, I can see all the songs that I have previously bought on iTunes as well as songs that are not on my iPhone.

 I wrote about the three new features in iTunes  Automatic Downloads and Downloading Previous Purchases

If I scroll through and see a song that is not on my iPhone and I want to download it to my iPhone, all I have to do is click on the cloud with the arrow on the right of the song and it will download it to my iPhone. Again, no wires needed. This also works with apps you have previously purchased as well. You can do this on your iOS device or on iTunes on your Mac as well.

 I wrote about the three new features in iTunes  Automatic Downloads and Downloading Previous Purchases

Both of these features are great features to take advantage of and it definitely shows that Apple is starting to move seriously towards the cloud. I definitely think this is a great move on Apple’s part and for the consumer as well.