So, you’ve heard about this thing called jailbreaking, it’s a very popular craze that’ll allow you to customize your Apple device in ways you can’t even imagine. By installing tweaks, themes, and utilities you can make even the most hardcore Android fanboy swoon.
But…you’ve also heard the nightmare stories, people completely ruining their shiny Apple iDevice and turning them into big expensive bricks. So I’m here to tell you, that is a lie. I have been jailbreaking my Apple iOS devices since version 1.1.1 with my original iPod touch; even though I have managed to get myself into some tough pickles, a simple restore has gotten me out of all of them. And after restoring an Apple device to a new firmware, there is no trace of the jailbreak left on the device, so if maintenance needs to be done, there’s no way of telling you’ve ever done anything.
So if I haven’t scared you away and you’re still in to make your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch the best it can be…read on.
First off, you’ll need the following:
– An iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 (AT&T or Verizon Model), iPod touch (2G, 3G, 4G), or iPad (1st generation, WiFi or Wifi+3G) running iOS 4.2.1 (4.2.6 on Verizon Wireless)
– A PC or Mac. (I’m using a PC, but the process is exactly the same on the Mac.)
– Internet Access
– iTunes 10.1 or greater (download at
– Greenpois0n RC6.1 (download at
Once you’ve got all that:
0.To start off, plug in your Apple device, and back it up in iTunes (in case anything goes wrong, you can restore and forget it ever happened).
1.After the back up finishes, open Greenpois0n.
2.Next, press the jailbreak button as soon as you’re ready. Now, the on-screen instructions are pretty easy to understand, but just in case you need to know before hand…After pressing the “Jailbreak” button, the process start will start in 5 seconds.
3.Hold down the sleep button at the top of your device for 3 seconds. Then, start holding down the home button without letting go of the sleep button and do this for 10 seconds. After that, let go of the sleep button but continue holding down the home button for about another 10 seconds. Once the Greenpois0n logo appears in the window on your computer, you can let go.
4.Wait for the jailbreak to finish. It’ll end on your computer first, and the button that read “Jailbreak!” will now read “Complete!” Click that to exit Greenpois0n.
5.You can now disconnect your iDevice from your computer.
6.Your device will take some time to reboot, once it does a new application should appear called “Loader.”
7.Make sure you are connected to the internet before doing this next step. Open up “Loader” and click the “Install Cydia” button. (This will download an app called Cydia, an unofficial App Store filled with unapproved apple apps, tweaks, and themes for your device).
8.Once Cydia is installed, you’re all done.
Congratulations, you have finished jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch on 4.2.1!