Are you noticing problems with your WiFi? Web pages aren’t loading. YouTube, Spotify, Netflix, and other apps just spin and won’t load? If you disable WiFi and only use the LTE network is everything normal and fast? Wi-Fi issues, including dropped connections and forgotten passwords, sudden cessation of data throughput, inability to reconnect to networks after sleep, and weak signals and slow transfer continue to affect iPad owners.
We’ve outlined a number of potential solution for these problems in our iPad Wi-Fi troubleshooting guide, but several users are now reporting success with a simple new fix.
Quick Tips
- Reboot iPhone, iPad
- Restart Modem and Router
- Forget WiFi Networks
- Reset Network Settings (Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings)
- Toggling WiFi Assist on and off (Settings > Mobile or Cellular)
- Turn Off Location Services for WiFi Networking (Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services)
- Change DNS Settings to OpenDNS or Google Public DNS
- Downgraded your WiFi signal to 802.11b/g from 802.11b/g/n
- Install latest iOS Through iTunes
iPad WiFi Issues: Switch DHCP to manual
Tap Settings, then go to the Wi-Fi section. Tap the blue, right-facing arrow next to the Wi-Fi network to which you are currently connected, then tap DHCP. In the HTTP Proxy section, select “Manual.” You don’t need to enter any additional information.
Exit Settings, then check for an alleviation of iPad WiFi Issues
- You may need to restart your router after making this change.
- Interestingly, other users have reported that switching to Auto is of benefit (the default setting is “Off”)
Reader Tips
- Putting it on Auto made my max speed shoot waaaay up (1 MBps previously max using a speed test app, 6 Mbps after). Your post doesn’t make me so optimistic that will hold, but thanks for the temporary relief
- Changing DHCP to Manual did the trick, at least so far. I was dropping nearly every minute but I’ve been online now for 45 minutes and it has been rock solid
- This is what I’ve had to do to keep my iPad connected to the net. my router is an old school G and N band Belkin N1. I had to turn off notifications and set the proxy to manual before I could reconnect to the net after sleeping. This is the first time that I have been able to reconnect upon awaking
- If you are using Bluetooth with your iPad, try turning off Bluetooth when not using it! See if your Wifi connection is working better and more stable with Bluetooth OFF!