Senin, 13 Januari 2020

Download Sony Xperia Z5 Apps (Music, Video, Clock, Calendar)

The Sony Xperia Z5 is the latest smartphone by Sony. It has similar specs to its predecessor including a Full HD 1080p display and 3 GB RAM. However, the Xperia Z5 comes with new applications and Android 5.1.1 Lollipop on board and it is planned to recieve the official Android 6.0 Marshmallow very soon.

A member has been able to receive some of Xperia Z5’s official applications and pack them into a flashable zip file for all users who are interested. User “gamzekal” has been able to take some system applications and put them into a zip file. If you are interested in Xperia Z5 apps, this is a good start.

The package contains the following applications: Clock, Calendar, Video and Music Player. The app package should work on Android 5.0 and 5.1 Lollipop. It is recommended to use a stock Android ROM before flashing the app package.

How to install Xperia Z5 apps

Download: Sony Xperia Z5 Applications

  1. Download the zip file on your phone.

  2. Turn your Android phone off and boot into recovery. It has to be a custom recovery otherwise you won’t be able to flash the Sony Xperia Z5 app package.

  3. In recovery, go to Install or Install ZIP from SD Card and chose the downloaded zip package.

  4. Install Sony Xperia Z5 apps.

Now reboot your phone and go to the app drawer. You will notice new Xperia applications which you can freely use.