Senin, 16 Desember 2019

Install Xposed Framework Modules on LG G4 (Locked Bootloader)

You can now install Xposed framework and Xposed modules on your LG G4. The LG G4 is one of the best phones that LG has ever created and it is one of company’s best-selling device. Well, who doesn’t want a curved phone with a leather backing, 8 MP camera and huge battery?

These specifications are nice, but the Android 5.1.1 firmware with LG skin can become boring very quickly. The LG firmware that LG G4 comes with has plenty of features to keep a new user busy and entertained,, but once you get bored, the brand new shiny LG G4 looks like the old phone you previously had.

You can prevent this from happening if you install Xposed. Xposed is the most popular custom framework for Android devices which allows the user to install different modules which change system files and make the phone better overall. If you had been looking to install Xposed on your LG G4 before reading this article, you have probably failed. This is because Xposed was not available for the LG G4 before.

Thanks to “tabp0le”, you can install Xposed framework and your preferred modules on your LG G4. To install Xposed, you only need root. You can have a locked bootloader and stock recovery because custom recovery is not required either.

Xposed framework has been proved to work on the following LG G4 models:

  • LS991 (Sprint)

  • H810 (AT&T)

  • H815L

  • H815 SEA

  • H815 v10c

  • H815 v10D

  • H815T

  • H818P (Dual-SIM)

  • H812

  • VS986

  • US991 (US Cellular)

How To Install Xposed Framework on LG G4

  1. Download Xposed framework file designed to work on arm64 devices (link). Move the file to your internal storage.

  2. Download FlashFire flashing app (download).

  3. Open FlashFire, choose flash .zip option and select the Xposed framework zip file. Make sure Automount is unchecked. This process can take a long time so be patient.

  4. Download Xposed Installer APK: xposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk

  5. Install Xposed Installer and open the app.

Now install your preferred modules. Open Xposed Installer and enable them from the ‘Modules’ section.