Minggu, 08 Desember 2019

How To Root Carrier LG G4 With Low Effort Root (Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, ATT)

Today is a good day for all LG G4 owners who have onE of the carrier based devices and not the international version. Root has been finally achieved by a group of highly talented developers, spending weeks on finding a working root method for all carrier locked LG G4 phones.

LG has provided an official root method only for the international LG G4 H815, so only this variant can be rooted. This is about to change today, because you can root every LG G4 phone using the full tutorial below, courtesy of thecubed, autoprime, jcase and IllegalArgument.

Low Effort Root has to do with flashing a pre-rooted system image on LG G4, similar to what Samsung does with Odin. You need to download correct USB drivers and firmware.

Low Effort Root can root and install SuperUser on all LG G4 variants.

Supported devices:

  • T-Mobile H811 10H

  • Verizon VZW VS986 11A

  • International H815 10c

  • AT&T H810 10G

  • Sprint LS991 ZV5

How To Use Low Effort Root on Carrier LG G4


Please read everything carefully. Make sure not to miss any step, otherwise you could highly damage your LG G4. NaldoTech or Low Effort Root developers shall not be held responsible.


Download pre-rooted firmware for your LG G4:

  • LG G4 T-Mobile H811 10H (link)

  • LG G4 Verizon VS986 11A (link)

  • LG G4 International H815 10c (link)

  • LG G4 AT&T H810 10G (link)

  • LG G4 Sprint LS991 ZV5 (link)

Now follow the installation guide below.

  1. Download proper USB drivers, send_command tools and the right firmware for your phone model.

  2. Extract the firmware. You will get a file named “system.rooted.phonemodel.img”.

  3. Move this file to the root of your phone’s SD Card storage.

  4. Go to Developer Settings and enable USB Debugging.

  5. Now go to the folder where ADB is located, hold shift and right mouse click to open a menu. Select ‘Open command window here’.

  6. Turn your phone off, press the volume up key and connect it to your computer via a USB cable. The phone should go in download mode.

  7. On your computer, double-click on ports.bat. This will tell you the COM port your phone is connected to.

  8. Enter this code on CMD. Replace the X with the COM port number.
    Send_Command.exe \\.\COMX

  9. Now type “id” without quotes.

  10. You should get some information about your phone like “uid=(0)root gid=(0)root”.

  11. Now enter the command to flash the firmware on your LG G4.Command vary per device, so choose your model.

    • T-Mobile
      dd if=/data/media/0/system.rooted.H81110h.img bs=8192 seek=65536 count=548352 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0

    • Verizon
      dd if=/data/media/0/system.rooted.vs98611a.img bs=8192 seek=65536 count=548352 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0

    • International
      dd if=/data/media/0/system.rooted.H81510c-EU.img bs=8192 seek=55296 count=529920 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0

    • AT&T
      dd if=/data/media/0/system.rooted.h81010g.img bs=8192 seek=65536 count=579584 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0

    • Sprint
      dd if=/data/media/0/system.rooted.LS991ZV5.img bs=8192 seek=65536 count=557312 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0

  12. The firmware will be flashed on your phone.

Now all you have to do is reboot your phone and you will get a rooted LG G4 on all carriers, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile. Also make sure to disable OTA updates.