Minggu, 24 November 2019

How To Easily Enable iOS 8.3 Jailbreak Cydia Substrate (TaiG 2.0)

Many users have already jailbroken their devices with TaiG 2.0, the latest tool which can jailbreak all devices running from iOS 8.3 to iOS 8.1.3. Everything works great but there is one big problem. Cydia Substrate is not supported.

This is a major letdown for many iOS users who want to use their favorite Cydia tweaks with the popular framework. Many popular tweaks require Cydia Substrate to work, and users aren’t happy to see that TaiG 2.0 doesn’t support it.

But developers behind the TaiG tool have released a simple fix which adds support for Cydia Substrate for all devices with iOS 8.3 which are jailbroken using TaiG. The good thing is that you do not need to jailbreak your phone again. The fix is a simple .deb file that you can easily install on your phone. You only need to install iFile, download the .deb file and install it.

How To Enable Cydia Substrate on iOS 8.3 Jailbreak

  1. Open Cydia on your phone and search for iFile. Install it.

  2. Close Cydia and reboot your phone.

  3. Download .deb file from this link on your phone: aiguntether83x.deb.

  4. Choose to open it using iFile.

  5. Click on “Install”.

This will fix the TaiG jailbreak issue and you will be able to finally use Cydia Substrate on your jailbroken iOS 8.3 device.