Rabu, 05 Juni 2019

iOS 12.1.1 Jailbreak Update: Firmware Released EPIC News!

It’s time to talk jailbreaking and iOS 12. Specifically Apple’s latest update: iOS 12.1.1. Released to the public yesterday, after numerous betas, iOS 12.1.1 offers several “minor” improvements and fixes. Note that “minor” is in quotes for a very important reason, because anything but! In addition to reintroducing Group FaceTime and expanding eSIM support, iOS 12.1.1 offers something else more… nefarious. Security fixes!

iOS 12.1.1 Jailbreak Changes and Features

 is in quotes for a very important reason iOS 12.1.1 Jailbreak Update: Firmware Released  EPIC News!

While the following are all of iOS 12.1.1’s outward-facing changes, look below for the real setback (from a jailbreaker’s perspective):

 is in quotes for a very important reason iOS 12.1.1 Jailbreak Update: Firmware Released  EPIC News!

Now that we’ve covered the changes most iOS users will be interested in, let’s talk jailbreaking. As we mentioned, iOS 12.1.1 is a big setback for jailbreakers. In addition to fixing a number of kernel exploits (including those disclosed by Google’s Ian Beer), 12.1.1 also closes important Safari vulnerabilities.

iOS 12.1.1 Jailbreak Fixes and What They Mean is in quotes for a very important reason iOS 12.1.1 Jailbreak Update: Firmware Released  EPIC News!

For the full extent of what iOS 12.1.1 patches, visit Apple’s “security content of 12.1.1” page here (click or tap). However, it’s not all bad news. In fact, if you stay on an earlier firmware (prior to 12.1.1), your chances of being able to jailbreak soon increase drastically.

For those unfamiliar, the last few jailbreaks were developed as a direct result of exploits being patched. Due to the fact that 12.1.1 patches 5 kernel (4 of which are important) vulnerabilities, jailbreak developers now have more to work with for 12.1 and earlier. Stay tuned for complete updates! Follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook.