Selasa, 04 Juni 2019

How To Install Cannibal Open Touch Recovery on Nexus 5

Custom recoveries are an important part of Android OS and Android smartphones. Every phone comes with a simple recovery which can make a few basic things like wiping data and cache. They are very limited and you can’t do much with them.

That’s why custom Recoveries have come to the rescue. They are full of features and you can do many things like installing custom ROMs, making a full backup of the ROM and transferring files from the phone to the computer and vice versa.

Also Read: How To Install CyanogenMod 12 ROM on Nexus 5

The most popular custom Recoveries are CWM ClockWorkMod and TWRP Team Win Project Recovery. They are full with features and have been available for many years. They support many devices, including flagship phones and low-end ones. This is one of the biggest reasons why there are so popular.

Custom recoveries are an important part of Android OS and Android smartphones How To Install Cannibal Open Touch Recovery on Nexus 5

But now, there is another recovery in town which aims to be the best. It is called Cannibal Open Touch Recovery and has some neat features that no other recovery has.

It features full Touch UI, complete theme support, app management of themes, on-device backup and restore and backup and restore via ADB.

If you don’t like the current user interface, you can easily download and install a theme to make it look better.

Nandroid backup is now gone and has been replaced with a better backup system. Backups can be made with ADB or through the new Backup item in the main menu.

This recovery is already available for many devices like the Nexus 5, OnePlus One and Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

Installing Cannibal Open Touch Recovery on Nexus 5

  1. Download Recovery: CannibalOpenTouch_hammerhead.img

  2. Reboot to bootloader using the command “adb reboot bootloader”

  3. Flash the image in Fastboot mode using “fastboot flash recovery /path/recovery.img”

  4. Reboot your phone.

Also Read: ElementalX Kernel for Nexus 5 (Android 5.0 Lollipop Support)

Boot into the new Recovery and enjoy all the new features and full touch UI.