Today we have an all-new list of top Cydia tweaks for iOS 12.1.2 and iOS 12 to share. The iOS 12 jailbreak tweaks highlighted below are among the best to have been updated for the Unc0ver jailbreak. In fact some of the iOS 12.1.2 Cydia tweaks were just updated yesterday! Before you continue to iOS jailbreak paradise though, you need to jailbreak iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2. Follow either our unc0ver jailbreak tutorial with a computer (click or tap) or jailbreak iOS 12 without a computer (click or tap).
Top New Cydia Tweaks iOS 12 – iOS 12.1.2
1. PencilChargingIndicator -Awesome charging indicator (Free Beta)
Repo: shiftcmdk
2. Leave Me Alone – Removes the do not disturb banner on iOS 12 (Free)
Repo: karimo299
3. Aperturize – Adjustable Boken for portrait mode (Paid)
Repo: PackiX
4. BelleVolume – Awesome volume indicator (Paid)
Repo: PackiX
5. AnimationsBeFast – Faster Animations iOS 12 (Free)
Repo: eXqusic
6. Eclipse 12 Beta – Dark Mode for iOS 12 (Free Beta)
Repo: gmoran
7. BetaAlert! – Remove iOS 12 Beta Alert (Free)
Repo: PackiX
8. Floating Dock iOS 12 – Better iPad style dock on iPhone (Free)
Repo: imkpatil
9. JellyFish – Lock Screen Redesign Paid (Free)
Repo: Dynastic
10. InteligentPass 2 – Disables passcode when not necessary (Paid)
Repo: PackiX
11. Hive – Custom Hive-esque Passcode (Free)
Repo: PackiX
12. Dots – OLED notification for iPhone X (Paid)
Repo: PackiX
12. Notchification – Notch notifications on iPhone X (Paid)
Repo: Default, BigBoss
13. BadgeColors – Change notification badge color iOS 12 (Paid)
Repo: Default, BigBoss
14. FullMusic11 – Make Music app full screen (Paid)
Repo: PackiX
15. Bio Protect XS – Adds biometric security to lock apps (Paid)
Repo: limneos
iOS 12 – 12.1.2 Jailbreak Tweak Repos
In order to install the majority of the Cydia Tweaks listed above, you’ll need to add the following repositories inside Cydia. To do so, simply tap “Sources” at the bottom of Cydia, followed by “Edit” and “Add”.
More Jailbreak iOS 12 Cydia Tweaks
Beyond the top iOS 12 tweaks listed in today’s article, we have even more to share with you! If you want 30 more Tweaks, click or tap here. Thank you for reading our newest list of the best Cydia tweaks for the iOS 12 jailbreak. We hope you’ll follow us on social media for even more!
We hope you’ll follow us on social media for updates on new iOS 12.1.2 jailbreak tweaks, Unc0ver releases, future jailbreaks, and much more (Twitter / Facebook).