Kamis, 21 Maret 2019

Jailbreak for iOS 12.2 – 12.3 Released Yet? Status Checker

NO! an iOS 12.2 – 12.3 jailbreak for A7 – A12 devices has yet to be released. If/when released, this will include every device that can run iOS 12 (even the iPhone XS Max, XS, XR, and 2018 iPad Pros). Currently we have a jailbreak for iOS 12 – 12.1.2 in the form of unc0ver for A7 – A11 devices and Chimera for A12, but neither cover the latest firmwares. 

Jailbreak iOS 12.2 Updates

 this will include every device that can run iOS  Jailbreak for iOS 12.2 – 12.3 Released Yet? Status Checker

Currently the prospects of receiving a new jailbreak for iOS 12.2 and iOS 12.3 are very low. It’s unlikely that we’ll see a new jailbreak before iOS 13 beta 1 drops in June. Once that happens, it’s entirely possible developers may opt to wait until iOS 13’s public release this fall before burning new exploits. However, there is some hope.

iOS 12.2 Jailbreak: Hope Remains

 this will include every device that can run iOS  Jailbreak for iOS 12.2 – 12.3 Released Yet? Status Checker

Hacker Liang Chen of Keen Labs recently tweeted out a demo of an iOS 12.2 jailbreak running on an iPhone XS Max.

In this demo, Liang Chen highlights the fact that the device is in fact running iOS 12.2 and then goes through the on-device jailbreak 12.2 process before opening Cydia.

Keen Labs is a renowned group who has a history of merely demonstrating jailbreaks with 0 release track record. So while it’s awesome they achieved a jailbreak on a previously unjailbreakable firmware, this doesn’t mean that we should expect a release. Instead the takeaway is simply that it is possible and there are 0days (aka undisclosed exploits) that are capable of jailbreaking iOS 12.2.

iOS 12.3 Released

 this will include every device that can run iOS  Jailbreak for iOS 12.2 – 12.3 Released Yet? Status Checker

Update: On May 13, 2019, Apple released iOS 12.3 to the general public. Unfortunately the jailbreak situation for the latest iOS 12 firmwares hasn’t changed. The information found in this status page remains up-to-date. For more information on iOS 12.3’s release, click or tap here.

How to Ensure the BEST Chance of Jailbreaking

 this will include every device that can run iOS  Jailbreak for iOS 12.2 – 12.3 Released Yet? Status Checker

Like always, it’s important to stay on as low of a firmware as possible. For example, if you’re currently on iOS 12.1.3 or even iOS 12.1.4, don’t update to iOS 12.2 or 12.3. In spite of the fact that a jailbreak demo on iOS 12.2 was showcased, things in the world of jailbreaking can change in the blink of an eye. If a research team drops new exploits for iOS 12.1.3, jailbreak developers will roll them into existing tools for said firmware. While the aforementioned scenario is purely hypothetical, similar situations have happened in years past. In short: just stay where you are. Don’t update and maintain as low of an iOS 12 firmware as possible.

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 this will include every device that can run iOS  Jailbreak for iOS 12.2 – 12.3 Released Yet? Status Checker

 this will include every device that can run iOS  Jailbreak for iOS 12.2 – 12.3 Released Yet? Status Checker

Download links for the next iOS 12.3 – 12.2 jailbreak tool will be listed here the second a utility is released, as this page is dynamic and auto-updating. Subscribe to iCrackUriDevice to be notified once the jailbreak for iOS 12.2 / 12.3 is released.

Jailbreak Status Refreshed on: