We feel that Apple can do better than a model based on Planned Obsolescence, so we’re sending Tim Cook an email asking him to prioritize durability over short-term profits.
If you feel the same way (and you’re tired of feeling forced to upgrade every year due to incompatible plugs/no ability to repair, etc), then copy/paste the email below and join us in trying to make a little dent in the tech universe by sending it to tcook@apple.com 🙂
Check out this video for more:
Copy of email:
Dear Tim Cook,
I’m an Apple fan and I love Apple products.
As a leader in innovation, Apple could tackle Planned Obsolescence head-on, and fundamentally change the way we relate to technology (not to mention revolutionize the entire tech industry).
Will you take the bold and risky step of prioritizing long-term durability over profits?
Staying hungry and foolish,
An Apple fan.