Several users have written to us that when they connect their iPhone or iPad into their computer, the Photos in the iTunes open up automatically overtime. This can be quite annoying. more often than not, this issue shows up when you upgrade or reinstall your OS X on your Mac.
In any case, this is easy to fix and you can stop photos from opening with a few changes on your computer. You can check out both these steps below to make sure they work for you to resolve this issue.
Step – 1 The first of these steps is to do with a setting on your iTunes. Connect your iPhone or iPad using the cable to your computer. When your computer automatically launches the Photos for the connected device, go to the tab called “Import” on the top. Click on it. Right below the main menu, you will find the name of your device followed by Open Photos for this Device. Uncheck the box next to this option.
This will make sure that when you connect this device next time to the computer, it will not annoy you by opening up the Photos.
Step – 2 If the option above didn’t work for you, you can use your terminal on your mac and disable this annoyance. Locate Terminal app in your Applications Folder and Launch it on your Macbook. on you have launched your Terminal, go ahead and use the following command. You can copy and paste the command from below on the command prompt and press enter.
defaults -currentHost write -bool true
This will stop photos from opening up automatically when you connect an iPhone or iPad to your computer.
Please feel free to share the tip and provide your feedback in the comments below. What are some of your favorite tips an tricks when it comes to using Photos on your Macbook?