Minggu, 25 November 2018

Fastest Lightest Android Browser (Android L Material Theme)

Download fastest and lightest Android browser which also has Android L theme with Material design. Are you tired of the popular browsers taking a lot of RAM and memory space? Google Chrome takes 60 mb of memory space and Samsung’s built-in browser takes around 10 mb of memory.

These browsers and especially Google Chrome are definitely not the best idea for old and medium smartphones which do not have the fastest processor or a lot of memory space to support the requirements of the heavy-weight browsers.

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The worst part is that if you install these browsers on non-high end smartphones, not only it will take more than 60 mb of memory space but the performance will also be slow and navigating will almost be impossible. And developers don’t try to optimize their browsers.

Download fastest and lightest Android browser which also has Android L theme with Material Fastest  Lightest Android Browser (Android L Material Theme)

“Now Browser” however, is the perfect application. “N0w” is a browser which is only 160 kb big in size which is incredibly small. It is more than 400 times smaller than Google Chrome. On top of that it has Android L theme with Material design for the best user interface possible.

Also Read: Download Android L Wallpaper, Keyboard, Boot Animation and Font

As you could expect, the performance is very fast and everything opens in an instant. It has navigation gestures where you can swipe left or right to go the  the previous page. Also, Now Browser supports Adobe Flash Player. You can watch videos directly from your phone.

Download “Now Browser” with Android L theme with Material design here.