We were not surprised when we saw the headline today around Apple not supporting the RNC Convention due to Trump’s candidacy. Yup, No free Macbooks or iPads with Angry Birds installed for Trump’s convention.
We are still trying to figure out what “deal” or economic forces can be applied to move all of Apple’s manufacturing state side in this day and age. In the meantime, we scratched our heads and tried to pin down some Apps from the app store that the mighty duck wouldn’t want you to know about. So here it goes…
Images of Change
This app is a pretty cool app developed by NASA (Yup you heard it right, the government space agency. What a waste of government resources…rite Donald? Images of Change is an app that presents a curated collection of the best image pairs from NASA’S global climate change website. The image shows areas that have been subject to natural disasters. It gives you a detailed before and after look of these places including Alaska’s Muir Glacier and also be sure to take a look at the before and after pictures of the Missouri river flooding. This app is free and is available for your iPhone and iPad.
Wall Building Advice
You of all people don’t need this app. DT knows it all about building that wall. The Wall Building Advice is more for beginners guide to expert wall building techniques. It shows you information related to tools and materials that you need along with how to design and install the wall. The maestro’s got it all figured out and the Mexicans will pay for the wall according to him. Don’t waste your money on this app.
US Citizenship Test 2016 Free
Free, Are you kidding me? How can this app be free and not banned. In the case you decided to do it the legit way, you will have to take the citizen test. The updated version helps you practice the USCIS Citizenship test or just test your knowledge on US history and government. Yup, it does comes with Flash cards! And yes, while at it , please feel free to check out the illegal immigration game app as well. It is available both in LITE and regular editions
Flappy Hair
This one’s a keeper. The game description says that it is not for noobs. The game is challenging and hard to master. You cant stump the trump! Tapping the screen flaps Donald’s hair and you can navigate him to avoid hitting the other presidential candidates.
World Bank Climate Change DataFinder 2.5
The Data Finder is an app for accessing data on global development indicators from The World Bank Group. the app features including quick access to a selected subset of indicators on climate change, with the ability to view detailed information via charts and graphs.
What are some of the other Apps that you have been hiding from Trump?