Rabu, 13 Juni 2018

Apple’s meeting with California’s DMW and what did they discuss?

In August 2015, a group of Apple executives met with representatives from California’s Department of Motor Vehicles to discuss project Titan, according to documents obtained by the Guardian.

Apple’s project Titan, a long rumored project, is an electric car project undergoing development.

So what did they discuss?

I submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to California’s DMW in an effort to learn what this meeting was about.

Here is the response I received:

Since the Freedom of Information Act only applies to federal agencies, we will treat your request under the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250 et, seq.,which applies to state agencies.

There are no identifiable documents responsive to this request.

Since the response was not clear to me, I asked them to clarify their response. And here is the second response I received:

The CA Public Records Act does not require a response to narrative questions. The CA Public Records Act directs a state agency to only produce copies of documents. No documents were responsive to this request.”

Since there are no documents, does that mean they met unofficially involving no identifiable documents?

However, it is clear that Apple’s interest in cars — and its talks with the DMW — have only helped to increase speculation that the company could be planning to introduce a self driving car.

 a group of Apple executives met with representatives from California Apple’s meeting with California’s DMW and what did they discuss?
Photo credits: Franco Grassi