Rabu, 15 November 2017

iOS 6: Parental Control in iBooks

One of the new features of iOS 6 is the availability of parental controls in iBooks. If you turn this feature on, books labeled as containing sexually explicit content will NOT be available for buying, reading or downloading.

How to enable parental control in iBooks and Book Store:

  • If you have not already, enable Restrictions (or parental controls) by tapping Settings > General > Restriction. Then enter a passcode. Please see this article for more information on parental controls on iOS devices.

  • Tap Settings > General > Restrictions > Books on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch

  • Toggle Explicit Sexual Content off

 is the availability of parental controls in iBooks iOS 6: Parental Control in iBooks

 is the availability of parental controls in iBooks iOS 6: Parental Control in iBooks

Once you do this, you will enable the following for books that have sexually explicit content:

  • Buy/download/sample buttons will be not active

  • Book images will not shown (they have usually explicit images)

  • Detail page will say this message: “This book contains explicit sexual content”

 is the availability of parental controls in iBooks iOS 6: Parental Control in iBooks

 is the availability of parental controls in iBooks iOS 6: Parental Control in iBooks

If you are an adult and you want to download a blocked book, then you will need to disable this parental restriction.
