One of the most common complaints floating around with regard to Apple’s new iPhone 4S seems to be the short battery life. According to Apple, the iPhone 4S has better talk time but worse standby time as compared to the iPhone 4. According to Tomshardware, however, iPhone 4S battery dies approximately 7% to 8% sooner than the original iPhone 4.
You may experience shorter battery life than tech specs, that are, according to Apple:
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- Talk time: Up to 8 hours on 3G, up to 14 hours on 2G (GSM)
- Standby time: Up to 200 hours
- Internet use: Up to 6 hours on 3G, up to 9 hours on Wi-Fi
- Video playback: Up to 10 hours
- Audio playback: Up to 40 hours
The battery drain issue has many possible causes, and almost all of them have something to do with some apps that are either sending data continuously or trying to. From our experiences, apps that send data and have a background process may cause battery drain. You have to identify the app that is causing the excessive battery drain. Exchange mail accounts, Ping, App Store, iTunes Store, Game Center, Facebook (and other social networking apps) can lead to excessive battery drain.
Optimize your settings so you don’t use any extra features that may decrease your iPhone battery life dramatically. Turn off any features that you don’t use or need. If you’re using push/fetch for your mail; deleting email accounts, resetting network settings, re-adding email accounts may help increase your battery life.
If you have done everything, and are still having battery issues, then you may try the following: Back up your iPhone onto iCloud; then remove all settings and information from your iPhone using “Erase All Content and Settings” in Settings > General > Reset. Finish initial settings then restore from your iCloud back-up.
Further readings:
10 Simple Ways to Prolong iPhone Battery Life
Troubleshooting a battery-sucking iPhone 4S