Sabtu, 01 Juli 2017

Add a web clip to your home screen in Safari

Have you ever found a site that you really love (like Appletoolbox!); and have you ever though to yourself, “I wish there was an easier way to get to this website!”? Well, there is! By adding a web clip to your home screen!

Adding a web clip to your home screen is fairly easy. Here’s the steps:

0.     Open Safari.

1.     Navigate to the site you want.

2.     Hit the action button.

3.     Tap on “add the home screen”.

I wish there was an easier way to get to this website Add a web clip to your home screen in Safari

I wish there was an easier way to get to this website Add a web clip to your home screen in Safari

4.     Name the site appropriately.

5.     Done

There! You’ve added your favorite site to your home screen, now go out and add!

I wish there was an easier way to get to this website Add a web clip to your home screen in Safari