Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Instapaper: Reading on the Go without Internet

Instapaper is a service that has been around for a while Instapaper: Reading on the Go without InternetInstapaper is a service that has been around for a while. It saves webpages for relater reading. Not only does it do that, it also simplifies the page and turns it into a newspaper style page. It’s certainly a handy service and when i found out it had not only an iPhone app, but an iPad app, I almost had a heart attack.

Design and Experience:

The Instapaper app is very simple, which is good because this app screams simplicity. Both the iPhone and iPad apps are based on a similar simple design, just a list of your article with a menu option for article folders and settings. Overall, the app is simple to use in all aspects.

Instapaper is a service that has been around for a while Instapaper: Reading on the Go without InternetThe newest update brought three new buttons at the top center. You can now find articles that were liked by your friends, or picked weekly by the editors, or find a website directly inside the app. These features are especially helpful when you need to save an article quickly, when you use to have to use a bookmarklet in safari and then update the app manually.

The only problem I’ve had with this app was that if I went on a page-saving rampage and forgot to update the app for a few days, it seemed to take forever for the app to update the list of pages. But other than that the app is fantastic.


Overall, if you are the type of person who has a lot of sites to read, but not enough time to read them…Instapaper is for you. Allowing me to save my favorite article was so helpful in my daily life, and Instapaper has earned a permanent spot on my home screen.