1. On the Home screen, tap the Mail icon
2. It will give you a choice of mail services including Microsoft Exchange, mobile me, Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL. There is “other” for perhaps accessing your domain name emails for example.
3. In this example we’ll use Gmail. After tapping on Gmail, enter name, address, password for your Gmail. Tap the Next button and then Tap the Save button. Now you are connected to your Gmail. Your iPad will remember you password, so next time you do not have to enter it.
4. Tap the Inbox button to see if you have any incoming mail. Tap the Refresh icon to force it to download emails.
5. Click on the mailboxes button to see your mail folders. Note that the number next to the folder tells you how many unread email is in there. In this case, I have unread 60 spam (as you can see below).
6. Typically when checking email, it is more useful to put your iPad in landscape mode. That way you have the mailboxes shown on the left while reading a emails on the right. Just rotate your iPad 90 degrees clockwise to put it in landscape mode.
8. You can reply to the email by clicking the reply icon and then the reply button as shown above.
9. You can click on the folder icon to move the email to another mailbox folders.
10. It will prompt you to select the folder that you want to move the mail to.
11. Many people wonder what this other icon does.
12. If you click it, it gets your mail out of the inbox fast. No prompt, no nothing. Well where did they go? You can find the mail under the “All Mail” folder.
Remember that whatever you do, such as deleting moving e-mails between folders, it will be synced with your Gmail so that your changes will be reflected the next time you log on to Gmail on your computer via your web browser.