Some users have reported an issue in which pages printed in landscape orientation are cut off or cropped at the edges after the update to Mac OS X 10.6.5.
Switch to “Actual Size” from “Defined By Driver” or vice versa. After choosing the print command, click “Page Setup” then check “Actual Size” instead of “Defined by Driver” in the Paper Size section. Alternatively, you may need to reverse this process and use “Defined by Driver.”
Rotate image 90 degrees. Simply rotate the page or image you’d like to print 90 degrees then print in portrait mode, scaling to fit the page.
Replace pstops file with earlier version. Apple Discussions poster Gerrit DeWit offers a fix that involves replacing the pstops file in Mac OS X 10.6.5 with an earlier version (see step 5).
Use Adobe’s fixes. Adobe has published a series of fixes, many of which mirror those listed here, but offer only temporary respite from this issue.