Minggu, 12 Maret 2017

iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now missing. If so, you aren’t the only one!

Don’t worry, they should be on there somewhere. It’s just a matter of finding them. And if not, we’ve explained how to sync videos to your iPad with or without iTunes below.


Why is the iOS Videos app missing from my iPad?

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
If the Videos app is missing you should find the TV app in its place.

You used to find all the videos on your iPad in the iOS Videos app. But with iOS 10.2, Apple replaced Videos with the TV app — a single place to watch all your TV Shows, Movies, or Home Videos.

Your iPad might have updated to the latest iOS when you synced it with iTunes. If that’s the case the Videos app is long gone and you should find a shiny new TV app in its place.

Where are my videos in the TV app?

  1. Tap the Library button at the bottom of the screen to access all the videos synced to your iPad. This page shows a snapshot of your content including Rented and Recently Added videos.

    You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

  2. Tap the Library drop-down menu from the top of the screen to view your TV Shows, Movies, or Home Videos.

    You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

  3. Choose the relevant content and view all your videos.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
After I selected Movies from the drop-down menu I could see all the movies on my iPad.

With the Videos app missing, the TV app takes some getting used to when it’s first installed on your iPad. But all the same content should be on there, as well as lots more through third-party streaming services like Amazon Prime or BBC iPlayer.

Why can’t I see my Home Videos in the TV app?

Even if you synced Home Videos to your iPad through iTunes, you might not immediately see the Home Videos section in the TV app. This is due to a software bug that appeared with the TV app’s release in iOS 10.2.

That bug should be well and truly vanquished by now. So update your iPad to the latest version of iOS to resolve it: go to Settings > General > Software Update.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
Make sure your software is up to date if videos are missing from your iPad.

If you still can’t see the Home Videos section. Try downloading some other content to your iPad first, like a Movie, TV Show, or Music Video. This should force the Home Videos section out of hiding!

How do I get missing videos back on my iPad?

Several users found they could make the missing videos reappear on their iPad by syncing it to their computer again. It’s worth trying this once or twice — sometimes our devices get easily confused and this is an easy fix.

Re-sync the videos on your iPad by doing two more syncs: once with no videos, and a second time with all of them. When you sync the second time, take note of where the videos are going on your iPad. 

In iTunes, that means looking at the Media Kind for each video:

  1. Control-click a video in iTunes and click to see Info about it.

    You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

  2. Click the Options tab in the Info window.

  3. Choose an appropriate Media Kind from the drop-down menu:

    1. Music Video

    2. Movie

    3. Home Video

    4. TV Show

    5. Podcast

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
Choose the Media Kind for your videos to decide where they’re kept in the TV app on your iPad.

How do I sync videos to my iPad with iTunes?

You can sync videos to your iPad using iTunes whether you bought them from the iTunes Store or not. The process is quite simple, add the video to your iTunes library and then tell iTunes to sync it to your iPad.

  1. Open iTunes on your Mac or PC.

  2. If you didn’t buy the video through iTunes:

    1. From the menu bar, go to File > Add to Library….

      You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

    2. Find the video on your computer and click Open.

    3. Find the video in your iTunes library, it may be under Home Videos in Movies.

      You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

    4. Control-click and select Info to edit the name, media kind, and other details.

  3. Connect your iPad to iTunes with a lightning-to-USB cable.

  4. Unlock your iPad and Trust This Computer if prompted.

  5. Click the iPad icon in iTunes to see your Summary page.

    You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

  6. Select the relevant content in the sidebar: Movies, TV Shows, etc.

  7. Tick the box to Sync that content, and then the box for each video you want to sync.

    You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync

  8. Click the Sync button in the bottom right.

  9. When the sync is complete, eject your iPad and find your videos in the TV app.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
Wait for your iPad to finish syncing before you eject it.

How do I sync videos to my iPad without iTunes?

If you don’t want to use iTunes, there are still a few other ways you can sync videos to your iPad. And with the Videos app missing you might prefer these alternatives anyway.

1. Use iCloud Photo Library

If you use iCloud Photo Library, you can get videos on your iPad by adding them to your library, but you can’t download them for offline viewing.

Open the Photos app on Mac or the iCloud Photos app on PC. Go to File > Import… and find the video on your computer. After the import is complete and iCloud has synced, watch your video on the iPad using the Photos app.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
You can find your videos in the Imports folder on your Photos app.

2. Use Plex

Plex is a media server that works with all the market-leading brands and devices: Apple, Samsung, Google, Windows, and more. It allows you to store all your movies, TV shows, music, and home videos in one place and access them from anywhere.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
Stream all your content across the internet using Plex — you can sync videos to your iPad with it as well!

Visit Plex’s website for more information about their services and how to use it. Essentially, your computer acts as a media server and your devices can play that media over the internet or sync it for offline use.

3. Use VLC

VLC is an open-source media player that supports a wide range of formats and works with most Apple devices — including your iPad. Using the iOS VLC app and your computer browser, you can sync videos to your iPad over Wi-Fi without using iTunes.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
Visit either of the two websites to share videos with your iPad using Wi-Fi.

To sync videos over Wi-Fi, make sure your iPad and computer are using the same network. Then open the VLC app on your iPad and tap the cone icon in the top left corner. 

Select Sharing via WiFi from the menu and enter the web address in your computer browser. Click the + button and choose the video you want to share. It uploads and is immediately available to view on your iPad.

4. Use other third-party apps

There are plenty of other third-party media players that allow you to sync videos without iTunes. We can’t possibly list them all here, but if you aren’t satisfied with iCloud, Plex, or VLC it’s worth taking a look online for yourself.

How do I get movies on my iPad?

You can buy movies to watch on your iPad through iTunes, Amazon, YouTube, or other third-party retailers. However, if you’ve already bought a DVD or Blu-Ray, you don’t want to have to pay again for a digital copy.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
Most Macs don’t have a built-in disc drive anymore, you need to connect an external drive via USB. Image from iMore.

In that case, it’s possible — though not always strictly legal — to rip the movie to your computer and then get it on your iPad.

All you need is an external disc drive and some third-party software. At which point you can import the ripped movie to your iTunes library and sync it to your iPad.

Use software like Handbrake to rip the movie to your computer — although there are also plenty of paid alternatives available. Handbrake offers you plenty of ripping options to determine the quality and file size of your movie.

What can I do when videos won’t sync to my iPad?

There are a couple of reasons a video might not sync to your iPad:

  • Not enough iPad storage.

  • Incorrect video format.

  • The video file is corrupt.

Check your iPad storage by going to Settings > General > Storage. Make sure you have ample space to fit the video on there, clear extra by deleting content and apps if necessary.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
iTunes makes it easy to convert your videos to compatible formats for your iPad.

You can convert your video to an iPad-compatible format using iTunes itself. Open iTunes on your computer and select the video you want to sync. From the menu bar, go to File > Convert > Create iPad or Apple TV Version. 

iPad creates a compatible copy of the video or notifies you if it’s already in a compatible format.

If none of those solutions work, your video might be corrupt. Try deleting it from your iTunes library and importing it again. Or if you use Time Machine, restore your computer to an earlier version of itself, before the video was corrupted.

You may have synced your iPad with iTunes to discover that your movies and videos are now  iPad movies and videos are missing after iTunes sync
Revert your corrupted video to an older version of itself using Time Machine.
That should get videos on your iPad without any more problems. Your next commute is gonna fly by with all those new TV Shows to watch! So, what are you watching at the moment?