Apple has begun its program to deliver free cases to iPhone 4 users affected by a signal attenuation issue in which the device partially or entirely loses signal when it is gripped on the sides near the bottom of the device, where the small seams (black bars) are.
Requests are being handled through an iPhone app, which is available through the App Store. Search for “iPhone 4 Case,” and the free case request program should be the first option. Or, just click here.
Apple states “The app will check the IMEI and serial number to verify tht you have an iPhone 4. […] The bumper or case will be shipped to you at no charge.”
Apple also notes “for iPhone 4 purchases made before July 23, 2010, you must apply no later than August 22, 2010; otherwise, you must apply within 30 days of your iPhone 4 purchase. To qualify for this program, you must purchase your iPhone 4 by September 30, 2010.”