A custom Kernel is a must for everyone who is rooted and wants extra features, performance and a better battery life. But which kernels are the best?
Perseus Kernel
If you want to experience the “true” power of your Galaxy Note 2, you will definitely have to overclock to 1.8Ghz (from stock 1.6Ghz) and also see how much you can tweak/undervolt your Note 2 to maximize its performance and battery life with Perseus Kernel.
Perseus kernel was the Note 2′s very first custom kernel and now, after almost 6 months, I am glad to say Perseus kernel is one of the best kernels for the Note 2 that I’ve tried.
Download Perseus Kernel here
Note2Core Kernel
For those of you with a Galaxy Note 2, you can install Note2Core kernel “Asylum” to get maximum overclocking up to 1.92Ghz and GPU overclocking up to 640Mhz.This isn’t for the faint-hearted but for those of you who need to take your Note 2 to the maximum. With the Galaxy Note 2 overclocked to 1.9Ghz, benchmark scores will fly!
Download Note2Core here
TerraBuzz Kernel
TerraBuzz kernel is created for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 that will suits daily usage. There is no cutting edge and fancy development for this kernel as it’s made as close as stock kernel based on source code provided by Samsung.
Only cherrypick modification/enhancement from other developers to be implemented in this kernel. This kernel is fast, stable, and battery friendly. All tweaks and modifications are carefully tested to ensure great performance without compromising Galaxy Note II standard features.Some unnecessary debug and log is also removed to make this kernel as light as possible.
Download TerraBuzz here
Sumber https://dennypedia.com/